Fluency in math is really important but for my students, it can be very boring. I decided to change that by creating these
math mazes, riddles and coloring activities.
It's amazing to see how quickly they lose track of time when they are doing these fun math activities. They are so focused on completing the maze, riddle or coloring page that they don't realize they just solved 10 multi-step equations. I love it!

My students really like the coloring pages. When I initially tell them that we are going to do some coloring in math class, they look at me like I have two heads and one of them always reminds me that they are too old for coloring. However, within minutes th
ey are totally into it and begging me for more.

I do recommend having students use colored pencils for the coloring pages. They do not break as quickly as crayons and students seem to have more fun with them. I use Crayola's Colored Pencils Classpack and its great. It has 240 colored pencils and it comes in a box that I can store and move them in. I have had it for over 5 years now and I don't see myself replacing it anytime soon.
This year, I decided to store them in colored file folders (separated by topic) in a file crate that the students can easily get to. Whenever students finish an assignment early they are allowed to go to the "Fun Crate" and get a worksheet. I have also allowed them to turn them in for extra credit. It is working out wonderfully!
These mazes, riddles and coloring activities are perfect for homework, classwork, and math stations. I find that they truly keep the students engaged while they are doing something meaningful.
I have created mazes, riddles and coloring pages for many topics and grades. Check them out! If you don't see the topic you need please check my TpT store.
6th Grade Math Mazes, Riddles, Coloring Pages Bundle
✔ Decimals
✔ Multiply & Divide Fractions
✔ One-Step Equations
✔ Factors & Multiples GCF LCM
✔ Fractions, Decimals, Percents
✔ Order of Operations
✔ Algebraic Expressions
✔ Converting Measurement Units |
7th Grade Math Mazes, Riddles, Coloring Pages Bundle
✔ Integers
✔ Rational Numbers
✔ Add & Subtract Linear Expressions
✔ Two-Step Equations
✔ Percents
✔ Complex Fractions to Unit Rate
✔ Probability
✔ Circumference and Area of Circles |
8th Grade Math Mazes, Riddles, Coloring Pages Bundle
✔ Powers & Exponents
✔ Multi-Step Equations
✔ System of Linear Equations
✔ Slope
✔ Scientific Notation
✔ Pythagorean Theorem
✔ Angles of Triangles
✔ Parallel Lines and Transversals |
6- 8th Grade Math Mazes, Riddles, Coloring Pages Bundle
This MEGA-BUNDLE includes all of my 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade mazes, riddles and coloring pages PLUS all future fun activities that are added to this BUNDLE!! |