Each of these full-year bundles includes everything you need for the entire school year. They include all topics and are designed to keep your students engaged. You may print these resources or use the digital version with your students. Please click on the image for more details.
This 6th Grade Math 'Find the Error' activity is included in my
6th Grade Math Error Analysis Bundle. I have my students complete this activity with a partner. They are instructed to find the error that is given and work together to correct it.
📐Guided Notes
Have your students use these
6th Grade Math Guided Notes to review key ideas and essential vocabulary. Students answer the questions and then color in the rest of the sheet. These notes are sized to be glued in composition notebooks. Finally, an organized way to take and keep meaningful math notes.

📐Word Problem Graphic Organizers
Have your students use these graphic organizers to answer real-world math problems. My 6th grade Word Problems Bundle includes activities for each unit of the 6th-grade math curriculum. Students use the graphic organizer to identify the important facts, solve the problem and justify their work.
📐Fun Math Activities
Bring the fun to math class with these engaging math activities. Students solve math questions and use their solutions to answer a riddle, navigate through a maze and complete a coloring page. My 6th-Grade Math Fun Activities Bundle includes riddles, amazing and coloring pages for every 6th-grade topic. 📐Math Task Cards
This 6th Grade Math Task Cards Bundle includes task cards with skills practice and real-world word problems, student answer sheets, and answer keys. Task cards are perfect for reinforcing concepts through individual student practice, pair-share, early finishers, and assessment prep.
📐PowerPoint Lessons
6th Grade PowerPoint Lesson & Guided Practice Bundle has been my go-to every day for the past 15 years of teaching. I update every year to incorporate real-world word problems as well as engaging tasks. There is a lesson for every topic in the 6th-grade math curriculum. Each lesson includes the lesson, vocabulary, practice questions, a lesson quiz, and an exit ticket. This is perfect for in-person or distance learning.
6th Grade MATH UNITS
Each unit resource bundle includes print and digital versions of task cards, error analysis activities, guided notes, homework practice, mazes, riddles, coloring activities, standards-based questions, and detailed answer keys. These bundles have everything you need to teach the unit. Please click on the image for more details.