Spiral Review

Need a spiral review of the Common Core Standards?  

My Common Core Daily / Weekly Warm-Ups contain 20 WEEKS of review specifically written for the common core math standards for grades 3 - 8. The review sheets are organized into 5 boxes. Each box contains fluency skills practice and real-world word problems from the 5 domains of the CCSS standards.

This daily / weekly spiral review  can be used for WARM UPS, HOMEWORK and math STATIONS. This is also a great resource for test prep.

The files for these math warm-ups are 100% EDITABLE!!! This gives you the ability to go into any problem and remove or change it. This feature is important because it gives you the control over what your students get each day/week. If something doesn't align the way you would like it to, just copy/paste from a different week’s sheet, or create your own problem (Microsoft Word).

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